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Ответ на запрос. Предложение

Помните, что вы начинаете общение с вашим возможным клиентом. Ему будет приятно прочитать, что ваша фирма была бы очень рада с ним сотрудничать и помочь ему с выбором товаром. Поэтому непременно высылайте с каталогами, прайс-листами и т.п. небольшое сопроводительное личностно-ориентированное письмо.

Постарайтесь писать ответ на письмо-запрос в тот же день, когда вы его получили. Тем самым вы не только покажете свое внимание к потенциальному клиенту, но и опередите своих конкурентов.

Если у вас нет запрашиваемого товара, необходимо написать письмо-отказ. Выразить сожаление в письме и написать отказ - недостаточно. Каждый шаг должен иметь положительный эффект для вашего бизнеса. Поэтому вместе с извинениями желательно грамотно предложить альтернативу отсутствующему товару.

План письма

1. Ссылка на письмо с запросом.

Thank you for your inquiry of May 22, 2000 regarding our new course of Business English.

I am writing in reply to your letter of May 22 in which you asked if we would …

2. Укажите Ваши действия, которые были предприняты по просьбе автора письма.

We have pleasure in enclosing our current price list quoting CIF (cost, insurance, fraught) Moscow:

We are pleased to enclose our current catalogue. In answer to your queries regarding accommodation, we can certainly book a room for you in a local medium-priced hotel.

I regret to say that we no longer produce the model you refer to, since we find there is insufficient demand for it. I am very sorry we cannot be of help to you. Attached you will find our catalogues with current price lost for retailers.

3. Обратите внимание адресата на особо важную для него информацию.

May we draw your attention to pp.14-17 in our catalogue where we think you might find material suitable to your field.

As regards educational software, we would be able to supply all of the items that you mentioned. We would like to point out that fees include lunch and snacks in our canteen.

We would certainly be happy to supply you with any products you require. All our products can be delivered at the shortest possible time.

4. Укажите дополнительную возможность, которая поможет адресату сделать выбор в пользу предлагаемого вами продукта, услуги и пр.

We would like to suggest that you come and see us to discuss in detail on your next visit to Moscow.

I would of course be happy to pay you a visit to discuss further details. We suggest you to contact Mr. Egorov and Mrs. Petrova, who both completed the program three and four years respectively, and would be able to give you a clear picture of what is required.

5. Сообщите о Вашей готовности дать дополнительную информацию по продукту.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange for a suitable time and date for a demonstration.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be happy to supply you with any further information you require.

6. Заключительная фраза. Может быть продолжением предыдущего абзаца.

If there is any further information you require, please get in touch with us.

I am sorry to disappoint you in this matter, and hope that we may be of more help in the future.

7. Ваша подпись, имя, должность.

Примеры писем-предложений


We thank you for your letter of 28 June, and are glad to inform you that all the items listed in your enquiry are in stock. We arc enclosing a proforma invoice for the allumimum fittings you are interested in. If you wish to place a firm offer, will you please arrange for settlement of the invoice by draft through your bank, and advise us at the same time.

We can guarantee delivery in Melbourne within 3 weeks of receiving your instructions. If you require the goods urgently, we will arrange for them to be sent by air, but this will, of ccmrse? entail higher freight charges, We are enclosing details of our terms of payment, and would be happy to discuss discounts with you if you would kindly let us know how large your orders arc likely to be.

We are looking forward io hearing from you, and assure you that your orders will receive our immediate attention.

Yours truly,

Dear Sir,

In reply to your request for our Catalogue № 135 we enclose a copy herewith, and we hope you may find it useful. You will find an order from inside to assist you in choosing the items you may require.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs,

We shall be only too pleased to supply you with display material of our book "The Great General". We have instructed our advertising department to dispatch immediately 12 show-cards, 6 posters, 3 photographs and 1 life-size portrait of General MacAndrew; we have asked them to add 12 wrappers, which, we think, you will find very effective. We are very sorry that we cannot send you a large dummy but we have not made one of this title.

We should appreciate it very much if you could send us a photograph of your window and hope that your display will be very successful.

Yours faithfully,

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 569 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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