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Planning a holiday

- Hello, Olga!

- Hi. Mary! I'm so glad you've come.

- I'm pleased to meet you too. How's life?

- No complaints. Thanks. How are you?

- Fine, thanks.

- What are you planning to do for your holiday?

- I haven't yet made up my mind. If the weather is fine, I'll go to the seaside for two or three weeks. After that I might go travelling: in my car for a week or so. And what are your plans?

- As a matter of fact I always spend my holiday in the Crimea. There's no better place for holiday making than the Crimea. Do you agree with me?

- I quite agree with you here. We have tried many sea-side places. However we prefer the Crimea. The climate is mild and the sea is beautiful.

- The only disadvantage is that in summer there are crowds of people there. It's difficult to rent a room and to have meals at a cafe...

- You see I have no problems in this field. My cousin has been living in Yalta for many years. He has a nice cottage not far from the seaside. We always stay at their place when we come to Yalta.

- You are lucky. Unfortunately we haven't got any relatives in Yalta.

- I suppose I can help you with a room. I'll send a letter to my cousin and ask him to reserve a room for you in advance.

- It will be very kind of you. I suggest that we go to the Crimea together. It will be great fun.

- Good idea. I'll talk it over with my parents.

- Bye-bye!

- See you soon!

Модуль 6. Деловое письмо

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 582 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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