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Vocabulary. To dwell-жить distinctive trait-отличительная черта Valuable-ценный dome-купол

To dwell-жить distinctive trait-отличительная черта Valuable-ценный dome-купол

Considerable-значительный look-выглядеть

To preserve- сохранять striking-поразительный, замечательный

Worth-стоить inside (inner)-внутри, внутренний

Cannon-пушка impressive-впечатляющий

Quiet-тихий, спокойный to bear-носить, содержать

To remind-напоминать holy-святой, священный

Pound- пуд mansion-особняк

To cast-отливать rare-редкий

To abolish-упразднять former-бывший

To remelt-переплавить to possess-владеть

To commemorate- чтить память exhibit-экспонат

Anniversary- годовщина, юбилей volume-том

Artistic-художественный neighboring-соседний

Bank-берег to perish-погибать в бою

Dialogue 1


- Excuse me, miss?

-Yes, what can I do for you?

- Sorry to bother you but I’m a foreigner in Biysk and I have several hours before my train starts. Is it possible to see anything of the town in this period?

- Well, yes, of course but not very much.

- What do you think I ought to see first?

- Well, our town is rather old and if you are interested in churches and historical places you should go to Uspenskaya church.

- Could you tell me how to get there?

- Uspenskaya church? Let me think now … Go along this road as far as “Kalinka” – that’s a large store. There’s a bus stop just there.

- And what bus must I take?

- The 23 and the 35.

- What stop must I go to?

- The centre.

- And what other places of interest should I see?

- Frankly speaking, there are not so many interesting places in our town. Do you like art galleries?

- Rather.

- Then why not go to the Exhibition Hall?

- Oh, you are so kind to me. Thank you very much.

- Don’t mention it. Good luck.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 256 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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