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Text 2. The Pharaohs of Egypt

The kings of Ancient Egypt were called Pharaohs. Most of the Pharaohs were very good rulers and a great civilization thrived in Egypt during their time. If you visit Egypt today you will see impressive remains of that civilization, such as the pyramids which were one of the wonders of the world.

The Pharaoh played a very important part in the religious life of Ancient Egypt. His people worshipped him as a god. Each morning, at dawn, the Pharaoh went to a small temple called The House of the Morning. There he was washed, dressed and adorned by the priests. He then proceeded to The Great Temple for religious ceremonies, during which he recited special incantations. These incantations would ensure the goodwill of the sun-god, Ra, for the course of the day, thus safeguarding the prosperity of the country.

The manner in which the Pharaohs were buried is further evidence of their place in Egyptian culture. They were buried in magnificent tombs in the Valley of the Kings. The largest of these tombs were the pyramids. Some of these, for example the Great Pyramid of Cheops, took as long as thirty years to construct. They were built of gigantic blocks of stone which were carried up an earthen rampart. Although it is over five thousand years since some of the pyramids were built, many of them survive today more or less intact.

When the Pharaoh's body was being buried, his tomb was filled with all the things which were regarded as necessary for his journey to the next world. These included a store of treasure, food, and a boat. It was recognized that the gold and jewelled objects would prove a temptation for robbers in spite of the great reverence of the people for the Pharaoh. Accordingly, each tomb was carefully sealed and protected by an intricate network of secret passages.

In spite of these precautions most of the tombs of the Pharaohs were plundered by robbers. The priceless objects and works of art were removed. By the time modern archaeologists got around to excavating the tombs, much of the material which would have given us a clear picture of the lives of the Pharaohs had been destroyed.

In 1922 an English archaeologist, Howard Carter, excavated the tomb of the boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamen, and, by an amazing stroke of luck, it had not been touched since it was first sealed 3,265 years earlier. It was therefore a perfect specimen of a Pharaoh's tomb and provided invaluable knowledge about the life and customs of ancient Egypt. A great number of precious objects and works of art were retrieved from the tomb and were put on display there in the Valley of the Kings and in the Museum in Cairo.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 412 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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