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Methods of legal regulation


Permissible Imperative

4) Principles of the family law:

- equality of citizens

- equality of a woman and a man

- protection of a family and interests of a mother and a child

- care of children

- monogamy

- voluntary character of a matrimony

- mutual care of family members

5) Personal rights and obligations of spouses.

1) Spouses’ obligations on mutual maintenance.

2) Stopping of a matrimony:

- in registration agencies (?)

- by court (?)

3) Parents and children’s rights and obligations.

4) Concept of adoption, invalidity.

5) Trusteeship and guardianship.


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Брак Неке Marriage
  Органы ЗАГСа АХАЖ Registration agency
  Усыновление   Adoption
  Опека Қамқорлық Trusteeship

Task for IWS: Make up a report on problems of adoption in the RK.

Task for IWS under teacher’s control: Study the Family code of the RK (appropriate articles).

The list of the reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), 2005 / Г.С. Сапаргалиев. Основы государства и права Республики Казахстан, Алматы, 2004. / Казахстан, Алматы. / RK Family Code, 2005.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #9: Principles of the financial law. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) Financial law regulates relations in the process of formation of the monetary system and system of financial institutions, as well as financial state activity.

Financial state activity is activity of a state in organization of the monetary system, also formation, distribution and usage of state financial funds.

2) Methods of state funds formation and distribution.

Methods of formation:

- compulsory and irrevocable withdrawal of money (?)

- compulsory and revocable (?)

- voluntary and irrevocable (?)

- voluntary and revocable (?)

- on the base of state services realization (?)

- use of income from state economic activity (?)

- issue (?)

Methods of distribution:

- financing (?)

a) dotation

b) subvention

c) subsidy

- crediting (?)

- fulfillment of financial obligations (?)


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