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Etatistic Legal



Etatistic Legal

Task for IWS1: Give definition for each type of state.

Task for IWS2: Give example for each type.

Task for IWS3: What is today’s tendency concerning legal states all over the world?

3) Peculiarities of a legal state:

- legal principles and regulations are followed by everybody

- impossibility to adopt anti-legal normative acts

- actual realization of law in practice

- subordination of legal acts

- provision of a wide range of human rights and freedoms

- legitimacy of state and public institutions and organizations

- realization of the principle of powers separation

- optimal correlation between municipal law and international law

- legal protection of human rights

- mutual liability of citizens and a state

Task for IWS4: According to article 1 of the Constitution of the RK, Kazakhstan proclaims itself as a legal state. Share your opinion.


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Суверенный Егемен Sovereign
Характеристика государства, в котором соблюдается верховенство государственной власти внутри страны и ее независимость во внешних отношениях.
  Взимать налоги Салық жинау To raise taxes
  Национальное право Ұлттық құқық Municipal law
  Права и свободы человека Адам құқықтары мен бостандықтары Human rights and freedoms

Reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), 2012 / Г.С. Сапаргалиев. Основы государства и права Республики Казахстан, Алматы, 2004.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #2: Principles of the RK Constitutional law. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) Regulations of the constitutional law:

- declaration of people’s power

- declaration of sovereignty and independence

- priority of human rights

- equality of rights and freedoms

2) Features of sovereignty:

- territory

- system of supreme state bodies

- ability to collaborate with other states

- state symbols

3) Task for IWS: Comment the following statement: Kazakhstan is a democratic, secular and legal state. (article 1 of the Constitution).

4) Task for IWS: Comment the following statement: Kazakhstan is a unitary state with presidential system of government.

5) Human rights and freedoms:

- personal

- economic and social

- political

6) Electoral system.

a) Suffrage:

- active

- passive

b) electoral system is order of election into:

- presidency

- parliament

- maslihat

- local organs of self-government


- open

- secret


- direct

- indirect

c) Presidential elections are universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

Task for IWS under teacher’s guide: Comment underlined words.

d) Parliamentary elections.

- Senate (indirect suffrage by secret ballot)

- Majilis (universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot)


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Голосование Дауыс беру Ballot
Выражение своего выбора в пользу одного из кандидатов на выборную государственную должность.
  Избирательное право Сайлау құқығы Suffrage
  Светский Зайырлы Secular
  Унитарный Біртұтас Unitary

Tasks for IWS: Make up a report on electoral systems of different countries.

The list of the reference: Constitution of the RK (1995), 2005. 2) Ж. Баишев, Конституционное право РК, А, «Жеты Жарғы», 2001, стр. 5, 55.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #3. Law-enforcement agencies and RK judiciary. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) The system of law-enforcement agencies:

· Office of Public Prosecutors

· Bodies and institutions of justice (ministry of justice, notary, the Bar)

· Bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation (Bodies of Internal Affairs, CNS)

· Bodies of tax and customs service (tax police, customs bodies)

Task for IWS1: Make a report on one type of law-enforcement agencies.

2) Purposes of law-enforcement agencies:

3) Unity of judicial system:

· Equal status of all judges

· Constitutional principles of justice

· Forms of trial established by law

· Unified legislation

· Order of courts formation

· Execution of court decisions

· Financing of courts at the expense of state budget

4) Principles of justice:

· a person shall be considered to be innocent of committing a crime until his guilt is established by a court's sentence that has come into force;

· no one may be subject twice to criminal or administrative prosecution for one and the same offense;

· no one may have his jurisdiction, as stipulated by law changed without his consent;

· everyone shall have the right to be heard in court;

· the laws establishing or intensifying liability, imposing new responsibilities on the citizens or deteriorating their conditions shall have no retroactive force. If after the commitment of an offense accountability for it is canceled by law or reduced, the new law shall be applied;

· the accused shall not be obligated to prove his innocence;

· no person shall be compelled to give testimony against oneself, one's spouse and close relatives whose circle is determined by law. The clergy shall not be obligated to testify against those who confided in them with some information at a confession;

· any doubts of a person's guilt shall be interpreted in the favor of an accused;

· evidence obtained by illegal means shall have no juridical force. No person may be sentenced on the basis of his own admission of guilt;

· application of the criminal law by analogy shall not be allowed.


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Правоохранительные органы   Law-enforcement agencies
  Прокуратура   Office of Public Prosecutors
  Органы юстиции   Bodies of justice
  Судебная власть   Judiciary
  Невиновный   Innocent

The list of the reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), 2005 / Г.С. Сапаргалиев. Основы государства и права Республики Казахстан, Алматы, 2004.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #4: Principles of the administrative law. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


Administrative law regulates relations in the sphere of state administration, organization and functioning of the system of executive power. Also it implements law-enforcement function.

Administrative norms define behavior of citizens, officials and administration organs.

2) Task for IWS under teacher’s guide: Sources of the administrative law.

3) Administrative relations:

- vertical

- horizontal

4) Executive power:

- Government

- Ministries

- State committees and departments

- Local executive bodies

- Administration of state institutions and enterprises


- territory

- human recourses

- informational resources

- financial resources

- armed forces

- police

- organs of national security

5) Task for IWS: study section 5 of the Constitution and write information about Government concerning the following points:

· Prime Minister

· Government members.


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Исполнительная власть Атқарушы билік Executive
Одна из ветвей власти, ответственная за точное исполнение законов РК на всей территории государства.
  Государственный комитет Үкіметтік комитет State committee
  Вооруженные силы Қарулы Күштер Armed forces
  Премьер министр Премьер Министрі Prime Minister

Tasks for IWS: Make up a report on RK Government.

The list of the reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), 2005, sections III, V.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #5: Local executive and representative bodies. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) Local public administration shall be exercised by local representative and executive bodies, which are responsible for state of affairs of the respective territory.

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