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Local public administration


Local representative bodies Local executive bodies

2) Local representative bodies – Maslihat shall express the will of the population of respective administrative-territorial units and with regard to the common public interests shall determine the measures needed for its realization, and control their implementation.

- elected by people

- requirements to a candidate: RK citizen, 20 years of age

- jurisdiction

Task for IWS under teacher’s guide: Powers of Maslihat.

3) Local executive bodies (akimat) shall be a part of a united system of the executive bodies of the RK, and ensure conduct of the general state policy of the executive power in conjunction with the interests and development needs of the respective territory.

- appointment

- jurisdiction

Task for IWS:Study article 87.2 of the RK Constitution.


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Местное государственное управление Жергілікті мемлекеттік басқару Local public administration
Осуществляется местными представительными и исполнительными органами, которые ответственны за состояние дел на соответствующей территории.
  Местные представительные органы Жергілікті өкілді органдар Local representative bodies
  Местные исполнительные органы Жергілікті атқарушы органдар Local executive bodies
  Назначение Тағайындау Appointment

Tasks for IWS: Make up a report on RK local public administration.

Tasks for IWS under teacher’s control: Study section 8 of the RK Constitution.

The list of the reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995), 2007,section VIII, page 136.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #6. Principles of the civil law. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) Civil legislation regulates public relations, which are divided into property and private non-property relations. Individuals, legal entities, state formations, as well as foreigners, foreign countries and stateless persons can be participants of thee relations. Participants of civil relations are equal and independent (compare with administrative relations).

Task for IWS under teacher’s guide: Comment underlined expressions.

2) Concept of property.

Types of property relations:

- estate

- liability

3) Types of estate relations(depending on property):

- natural objects

- means of production

- results of labor

4) Liability relations are connected with transition of property from one person to another one. As a rule it is done on the base of a contract.

Task for IWS: Give examples of such contracts.

5) The nature of non-property relations:

- non-material content

- objects of non-property relations, their classification

6) Task for IWS under teacher’s guide: Functions and principles of the civil law.

7) Subjects of the civil law: a) individuals, b) legal entities, c) state, and administrative and territorial formations.

8) Objects of the civil law: a) things, property, b) works and services, c) results of creative activity, d) private non-property things.

9) Task for IWS: Make up a report on: Protection of civil rights.


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Имущество Мүлік Property
То, что является чьей-либо собственностью.
  Физическое лицо Қоғамның құқылы мүшесі Individual
  Юридическое лицо Заңды қоғам Legal entity
  Вещные отношения Мүлік қатынастар Estate relations

The list of the reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), 2005 / Г.С. Сапаргалиев. Основы государства и права Республики Казахстан, Алматы, 2004, стр. 11.

K AZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #7: Principles of the business law. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) Forms of business organization:

- state enterprise

- manufacturing cooperative society

- partnership

- joint stock company

2) Features of a partnership:

- collective form of business

- separate property

- establishment of a partnership by one person

3) Types of partnerships:

- full partnership

- comandit partnership

- limited partnership

- P. with additional liability

4) Founding a partnership:

- constitutive documents (?)

Task for IWS under teacher’s guide: Clear out the peculiarities of constitutive documents.

- division of property (partnerships and joint stock companies)

5) Sole proprietorship:

- Definition (?)

- state registration of individual businessman (?)

6) Concept of a bargain and a contract. Their classification and validity.

Task for IWS: Fill in the table:

Types Definition
Unilateral Will of one of the sides is enough
Bilateral Agreement of both sides is necessary
Consensual Bargains and contracts are put into force after agreement concerning all points and legal registration
Real ?
Preliminary Contracts in which sides are obliged to make an agreement in future about property transfer (fulfillment of works, services) under terms of the main contract by requirements provided by law. “?” Study appendix 1 and explain.
Contracts under resolute term ?
Written ?
Oral ?
Notary ?
Compensatory ?
Public ?
Mixed ?
Stock exchange ?
Pretence A contract made by pretence causing no legal consequences
Invalid ?
Property alienation contract ?
Intermediary Juridical or factual actions for one’s interests


На русском языке На казахском языке На английском языке
  Товарищество Серіктестік Partnership
Форма организации предпринимательской деятельности, различают несколько видов товариществ.
  Акционерное общество Акционерлік қоғам Joint stock company or corporation
  Индивидуальное предпринимательство Жеке кәсіпкерлік Sole entrepreneurship
  Договор Келісім шарт Contract

The list of the reference: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), 2005 / Г.С. Сапаргалиев. Основы государства и права Республики Казахстан, Алматы, 2004. / С.В. Скоробогатов «Правовые основы предпринимательства», Алматы, 2004, стр. 4-15.

KAZAKH-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAND-OUTS Principles of law. Faculty of Economics and Law 2 credits Fall 1st year / AB group Lecture #8. Principles of the family law. Instructor: Kuatova Aida Sh., ass. Prof.


1) The family law is a branch of law, which regulates matrimonial and family relations, as well as relations between citizens because of their matrimony, relationships, adoption and other forms of taking children into the family.

2) Matrimonial and family relations:

- Personal (?)

- Property (?)

Personal and confidential character of matrimonial and family relations. (?)


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