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Transsib Facts:

The length of the main route is 9288,2 km.
The largest bridge is above the Amur river – 2612 meters (made in 1999).
The longest tunnel starts at 8140 km, and is 2 km long.

There is a unique building at the 5311 km – Sludyanka station building made from marble.
The Trans-Siberian route crosses 10 time zones
It goes through Europe (19%) and Asia (81%). The border is marked with small obelisk at 1778 km near the town of Pervouralsk.
The Trans-Siberian passes by 87 cities and towns on the way.
The route crosses 16 big rivers: Volga, Ob, Enisey, Oka, Amur, and others.
The Trans-Siberian passes Biakal Lake; 207 km. of the way are going along the bank of the lake.
The Trans-Siberian passes the Sea of Japan; 39 km of the way are going along the shore of sea of Japan

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 431 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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