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Give a summary of the text. 14. Watch the pictures. What kinds of routs did the first settlers choose?

14. Watch the pictures. What kinds of routs did the first settlers choose? Write advantages and disadvantages of the routs:

Kind of the rout Advantages Disadvantages
Land way      
Water way      

15. Read and discuss the articles. Use the vocabulary:

Cлужба – service (to serve), исследовательский - research, исследования - investigations, (researches), переиздавать - to republish, архив - archives, снимать жатву - to gather in the harvest, казна - treasury, каторжник -convict, отставной - retired, зло - evil, сбывать - to get rid of smth., дрянь - rubbish,, двойной - double, приказчик - salesman, немыслимый - inconceivable, цена - price, нищета - poverty, деморализация - immoral conduct, карты - cards, девиз – motto.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 378 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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