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By Robert S. Fritzius

1. Introduction.

When we use Hubble's redshift law to compute distances to remote galaxies, we do so under the assumption that the original light, coming to us from thousands of millions of years ago, was emitted at essentially the same wavelengths as observed in local present-day equivalent stellar processes. Because of this underlying assumption, we have to hypothesize some mechanism such as the recessional velocity Doppler effect, to shift the light's spectrum to the less energetic longer wavelengths that we detect. The apparent size and radiated power output of Quasars, as determined by using currently viable redshift ideas, seem ready to shake the very foundations of physics. This note offers a new hypothesis dealing with cosmological redshift that may leave our foundations intact or at least modify them only slightly.

2. Galactic density dependent electrical charge.

If galaxies are condensates from a primordial soup, then their material densities should be increasing with time. We hypothesize that the unit electrical charge is proportional to the "local" galactic material density. That is, the electrical charge of any given electron or proton is related to the total number of other protons, electrons, etc., that are close enough to influence it via direct electrodynamic elementary interactions. A distance of five light years may suffice for our estimated limit for direct electrodynamic influences. This figure is adapted from the extinction theorem wherein charged particles in an intervening medium absorb and re-radiate electromagnetic energy thus extinguishing the original energy.

We propose that, if the unit electrical charge within galaxies has been increasing down through cosmological ages, then the strength of electrical interactions between their constituent atomic nuclei and their atomic electrons has also been increasing. The sizes of atoms should have been decreasing and the energies of their electrons in orbit should have been increasing as side effects of the basic galactic condensation process.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 848 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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