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Exercise 8

1) Fifty one books.

2) A (one) hundred people.

3) Three hundred and seventy-one/seventy-one applications.

4) Six hundred people.

5) A (one) million (1,000,000) red roses.

6) Hundreds of people come here annually.

7) Four hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty.

8) Two thousand shoppers/clients/purchases.

9) Twenty-one days.

10) Twenty-three thousand.

11) One thousand two hundred and fifty.

12) One thousand and first tourist.

13) England won 4:0 (four nil/ (to) nothing).

14) Fifty kilograms.

15) Three hundred cars.

16) Sixty-one grams.

17) Two million two hundred thousand and one tons.

18) Hundreds of cases.

19) Three thousand and one roubles.

20) Three of my friends.

Progress Test


1) five hundred and three.

2) six thousand and fifteen, or sixty hundred and fifteen.

3) seven thousand one hundred and forty, or seventy-one hundred and forty.

4) one thousands nine hundred and ten, or nineteen hundred and ten.

5) two thousand one hundred and six, or twenty one hundred and six.


1) nineteen hundred

2) nineteen eighty-four

3) sixteen o ([ou]) one

4) two thousand

5) two thousand and three


1) first 2) third 3) fifth 4) ninth 5) twelfth 6) nineteenth 7) fortieth 8) one hundredth 9) one hundred and first 10) four hundredth


1) There are two million books in the library.

2) Millions of people will watch the Olympic games in Greece.

3) ‘One/a million red roses’ is her favourite song.

4) I’ll go by bus 10.

5) Open the book at page 57.

6) A thousand and one nights.

7) John has a third and I have two thirds of the shares.

8) Chapter 7 is the most interesting.

9) Five thousand two hundred and forty-five votes were enough for him to win the elections.

10) The work is nine-tenths finished.

11) Two hundred and ten guests arrived from different parts of the country.

12) Dozens of apples were under the tree.

13) Eleven thousand people make up the population of this town.

14) He was only fifty-four but he looked very old.

15) I have already read more than 450 pages.

16) It happened in 309 B. C.

17) He earns over a million a year.

18) She is in her forties.

19) They stayed (for) a half hour/ half an hour.

20) Two thirds of the population voted for him.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 928 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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