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Progress Test

1. 1) b 2) a 3) c 4) a/b 5) c 6) b 7) b 8) a 9) a 10) b

2. 11) a 12) b 13) c 14) a 15) c

3. 16) b 17) a 18) b 19) c 20) b 21) c 22) a 23) a 24) b 25) a

4. 26) c 27) b 28) a 29) c 30) a 31) c

5. 32) having travelled 33) playing 34) being 35) judging 36) being stirred 37) turned 38) being absorbed 39) having dined 40) left 41) wanting 42) engaged 43) being 44) put 45) annoyed 46) told 47) determined 48) disapproving 49) reading 50) settle


51) I can’t but agree with you.

52) To tell the truth, I haven’t read this book.

53) He was the first to break the silence.

54) I didn’t expect you to leave so soon.

55) I always considered them to be my friends.

56) Nick saw her enter the reading hall.

57) The Romans are known to have built good roads and fortresses on the British Isles.

58) He is unlikely to be appointed the General accountant.

59) He seems to have been working at this article for two weeks.

60) This building is said to have been constructed in the 17th century.

61) The first thing we must do is to reserve tickets.

62) They are hard to please.

63) He was left without any money, and there was nobody to take care of him.

64) I wouldn’t like you to tell anyone what I have said.

65) I wanted to go to the concert yesterday, but it was impossible.

66) Would you mind my sitting in your room a little while?

67) When the verdict was pronounced, the accused couldn’t but cry.

68) I can’t remember lending you any money.

69) Sam didn’t expect Richard to jump into the waterfall.

70) Ann pretended not to have seen me when she met me in the street some days ago.

71) It is for the police to be involved in such cases as exceeding speed limit and careless driving.

72) The Queen has the power to prevent any politician from setting up dictatorship.

73) Have you got a complaint to put forward?

74) George invented a new machine which was known to be giving his master a good profit.

75) To put it mildly, he didn’t tell you the whole truth.

76) To cut the long story short, their fault hasn’t been proved.

77) Tracy couldn’t stand queuing for unemployment benefit.

78) The situation was so funny that nobody could help laughing.

79) My friends were fond of hitchhiking.

80) The director apologised for not keeping his promise.

81) At last I succeeded in passing my exam in economics.

82) I’m thinking of buying a new colour television set.

83) I was afraid of missing the train.

84) It’s no use calling him now. He is out.

85) Playing football takes all Steve’s spare time.

86) Creating new working places in this region will decrease the level of unemployment.

87) The attorney insisted on Mark’s testifying.

88) Jack got in touch with the bank to find out what sum of money remained on his current bank account.

89) He is known to be rather an experienced reporter to make bad mistakes in preparing an article for publishing.

90) Ten months passed after signing the contract.

91) What is the reason of your being dissatisfied?

92) In announcing the voting results there appeared dissatisfaction among the members of the Board of Directors.

93) The possibility of losing a job bothers many people used to the guarantee of employment.

94) These measures will give additional advantages of evaluating bank loans granted to industrial enterprises.

95) Both capital and skills possessed by people are the basis of ensuring public wealth.

96) Greece took measures ensuring its joining the European currency.

97) West-European law has the advantage of having been tested and appeared to be active.

98) You have the right to sell the company’s assets.

99) The success is usually guaranteed to the company which is the first to get the market niche.

100) The activity of any organisation is the activity of people aimed at achieving their goals.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1128 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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