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Progress test

1) David ordered Eric to get out of his house.

2) The man next to me smiled and asked to watch his dog for a minute.

3) Jane’s daughter wanted to know if/whether she could borrow her blue sweater.

4) I advised Joanne to ask for more information.

5) The doctor told Ann to breath in and out through her mouth.

6) The doctor advised Anne to see a specialist.

7) My mother rang up and asked if/whether I could come a little bit earlier.

8) Gerry asked Claire if/whether she could lend him five pounds till Monday.

9) The big man asked his friend not to tell anyone else.

10) The lawyer advised Tom to ask for a second opinion.

11) Fiona invited us to have a drink.

12) Sam said that his boss wanted him to go to London the following day.

13) The man asked him what would happen if the police found out.

14) Peter told me two days ago that he is/was going to Austria in May.

15) He wondered if/whether I knew that no woman had ever been elected President of the United States.

16) He says that most of the businesses in their town are owned by local people now.

17) A boy asked his father in a Zoo if/whether the giraffe got a sore throat if it got wet feet.

18) She said that she had finished her work.

19) She asked him angrily why he was looking at her like that.

20) His mother forbids him to play with the matches.

21) He complained that he had forgotten to bring his lunch with him.

22) She asked her husband if/whether he would be home soon.

23) Father told the children to go to bed immediately.

24) Tim promised his father to clean/that he would clean the car the next day.

25) Gary asked his wife where she had been.

26) He informed me that he had been working for the same company since 1960.

27) She wanted to know if/whether I knew Garfield.

28) She asked me to tell her the exchange rate for dollars and pounds.

29) He agreed to talk to her.

30) Jane said that Jack never seemed low or depressed.

31) He denied using/having used my computer.

32) He refused to do it.

33) He suggested strolling along the sea-front for an hour or two.

34) She begged to give her some money.

35) He thanked the boy for cleaning his car.

36) He offered to carry her bag.

37) My mother warned us not to ignore traffic lights while crossing the street.

38) She asked her son to be back before eleven.

39) He said that he had just been in a race and was very thirsty.

40) He complained to his friend that he wanted an ice-cream, but he had no money.

41) She said that she was very hungry as she hadn’t eaten all day.

42) He wondered if/whether I was going to measure his feet.

43) She asked him to try those shoes on while she served someone else.

44) He gave an exclamation of surprise when he unwrapped the present.

45) He inquired what we were going to do next.

46) She said that she wouldn’t have got a ticket if she hadn’t parked her car on a double yellow line.

47) He asked me if I expected that the missing people had survived.

48) He said that Andrew had better not drive in his condition.

49) Joan allowed her children to wear anything they wanted as long as it was clean and comfortable.

50) She accused him of always lying to her.

51) He agreed to meet her at the station.

52) He boasted about/of being /that he was the cleverest in their group.

53) He reminded her to call at her parents.

54) She complained of spending/having spent/that she had spent 20 minutes looking for a parking place.

55) Ann inquired when she could hand in her resignation.

56) She promised to telephone/that she would telephone me that evening.

57) She wanted to know what I would do if I couldn’t find my keys.

58) He promised to tell/that he would tell me as soon as he knew.

59) He said that he wanted to change his job.

60) She said to him that when she was with him she couldn’t stop laughing.

61) She asked the boss if/whether she should come to work early the next day.

62) She said that she was not very interested in discussing his problems.

63) The doctor forbade me to take more than two pills at once.

64) She insisted on my/me taking a holiday/that I should take a holiday as I looked exhausted.

65) She said to her parents that she would like to live alone.

66) Jim admitted that he might have taken the paper.

67) She denied doing/having done/that she had done it.

68) He advised to ask the bus-driver to tell me where to get off.

69) Frank and Susan announced that they were going to get married.

70) She admitted (to) telling/having told/that he had told her the secret.

71) He informed them that he couldn’t give an answer, until he heard from his bank.

72) She reminded me to put the lights out when I went to bed.

73) He warned me not to try to get off the train when it was moving.

74) She said that he must be hungry as he hadn’t eaten for hours.

75) He exclaimed that he had passed his exam.

76) He offered to help her with that.

77) She said that Jack had had a terrible car accident the week before.

78) Beatrice said to her daughter that she had a very sweet tooth.

79) She asked how long we had lived at our present address.

80) He said he preferred staying/to stay at home.

81) She accused him of behaving/having behaved in a cowardly manner.

82) She denied that she had promised to lend him any money.

83) Helen agreed to go to the cinema with me because she hadn’t seen the film and wanted to see it very much.

84) The officer ordered the soldiers to wait for him there.

85) He wanted to know how I traveled to work.

86) She remarked that they mustn’t give up.

87) He admitted that he ought to have helped her.

88) She said that she had seen my mother the day before adding that she was looking fine.

89) Dad threatened to punish the boy if he behaved badly.

90) She asked him if/whether he had ever seen an iceberg.

91) She advised him not to run until two hours after eating.

92) He warned us not to get out of a car before it stopped.

93) She complained that they were always talking about politics.

94) She asked him to put the kettle on.

95) He informed us that he was going to hitchhike to Scotland.

96) He asked her if/whether she had to walk all the way home.

97) She wondered if/whether I had skated the winter before.

98) She told us that their house had been burgled the previous night.

99) She said that Katy had just bought herself a red leather jacket.

100) She offered to tell them how to get to their place.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1171 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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