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Unit 10, 11


76) Would, 77) Shall, would, 78) Shall, 79) Won’t, 80) Shall not, 81) Shall, 82) Would.


83) She must have lost her address.

84) You ought to follow my advice.

85) To think that she should have accepted that offer.

86) Why should I do this?

87) To think that it should have come to this!

88) It is queer that such troubles should have happened to her.

89) If you should see Ann, tell her all about it.

90) You shall listen to my orders!

91) Can't she have failed to get my letter?

92) You might have asked your sister's advice (consulted your sister).

93) He might be afraid of being given an injection.

94) I needn't have waited for the end of this programme.

95) We settled (agreed) that you were not to say anything!

96) You shall not move! You shall stay were you are!

97) He might have been taken into hospital.

98) This will be the house, I hope (I think).

99) She doesn't have to be present during our conversation.

100) Why should I speak to her?!

Review Exercises

1. 1) Will have to; 2) haven’t been able to make; 3) had to get; 4) wasn’t allowed to; 5) haven’t been allowed to work; 6) have had to report.


1) should 2) couldn’t 3) can’t 4) can 5) could 6) shouldn’t 7) may 8) should 9) shall 10) may 11) couldn’t 12) should 13) should


1) should 2) will have to 3) Must 4) Must 5) Should have 6) Must 7) will have to 8) should 9) should 10) had to

5. 1) may, 2) must, 3) mustn’t 4) mustn’t, 5) may, 6) could, 7) couldn’t, 8) may, 9) may, 10) can, 11) can’t have taken, 12) must, 13) may have left, 14) must have met

6. 1-a 2-b 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-b.


1) It is odd that the new trainee should hand in his notice already.

2) It is normal that some students should feel a little homesick in their first week here.

3) It is incredible that he should complain now, right at the end of his course?.

4) It is important that children should be taught the difference between right and wrong.

5) It is strange that she should have left without saying anything.

6) It is not insisted that you should let your feelings run away with you.

7) A bystander warned that we should go to the police.

8. Could /might; can’t; can; must; mustn’t/shouldn’t/oughtn’t to; might/could; will have to; will; ought to; should; might / could; might; should; needn’t; will/shall; shall; must; would; mustn’t/can’t; must/should/ought to; won’t; should/ought to; would; will

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