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Entry test

Unit 2


1) I could read when I was four years old, but I couldn’t write very well.

2) His writing was so bad that I could not read his letter at first, but with an effort I was able to make out what he said.

3) We couldn’t afford to pay for our journey across Africa, but we were able to make it in the end because the bicycle firm could lend us the money.

4) When he arrived in Africa, no one could tell Stanley if Livingstone was alive or dead, but after a long journey, we were able to find him.

5) He can’t have been puzzled by such a simple question.

6) She can’t have been making notes of what he said.

7) He can’t possibly feel more dead than alive.

8) She can’t be keeping to a milk diet.

9) He can’t have been cured of pneumonia so quickly.

10) Where can Silvia be hiding? – I’m looking for her everywhere!

Unit 3


11) May go to Italy

12) May buy a Sedan

13) She may be at her musical classes

14) He may be having his shower

15) He may be out

16) She may be meeting with her friends


17) She might have been crying.

18) She might be interviewed.

19) He might have got a cold.

20) She might be giving injections to the patients.


21) may 22) may, 23) may, 24) could, 25) could, 26) can’t, 27) have been able to, 28) was able to, 29) can.

Unit 4


30) She must have been quite unconscious.

31) The telegram, probably, didn’t come in time.

32) She must have been very careless.

33) They must have misinformed us about the road.

34) The students can’t have passed the tests. They must have misunderstood the rules.

35) The dog, probably, didn’t recognise his master.

36) He wasn’t, probably, very experienced in sailing navigation.


37) The doctor must be examining the patient.

38) She must be preparing her report now.

39) I will not bother you any longer; you must be tired of my talking.

40) Nancy must have been giving her impressions of England for an hour already.

41) They must have been treating him for pneumonia for a month.


42) You must have failed to recognize me, and that is why, you didn’t come up to me.

43) You must have never tried to do it, otherwise you wouldn’t say it was easy.

44) She must have got ill, otherwise she would have been at her office.

45) It must be more difficult than you believed.

46) The light is not on in the house. There must be no one in again.

47) I must be off.

48) You have got many mistakes. You must pay more attention to your grammar.

49) This problem must be dealt with immediately.

Unit 5


50) We had to stop at the frontier but we didn’t need to open our cases.

51) We didn’t need to walk. He took us in his car.

52) My employer said, ‘I won’t need your work tomorrow’.

53) Most people think that civil servants do not need to work very hard.

54) Need we vote?

Unit 7


55) They were to have started on Saturday but they changed their minds and started on Sunday.

56) She was to have worn that nice dress at the party but she has burnt it while ironing.

57) He was to have joined us in our trip but something urgent came up in his office.

58) They were to have treated me to a ballet but I caught a cold and didn’t go.

59) He was to have taken his child fishing but they went to a picnic.

60) She was to have kept her birthday party but that day she was away.

Unit 8


61) Needn’t, 62) Mustn’t, 63) Must hurry; mustn’t, 64) Had to, 65) Have to, 66) Needn’t.

Unit 9


67) Tom shouldn’t have driven on the wrong side of the road.

68) He should have been careful while crossing the road.

69) She should have hired a taxi.

70) She shouldn’t have left her umbrella at home.


71) Why shouldn’t you go to the dean’s office to tell him all about your problems in your group? /Why should I go to the dean’s office?

72) Why shouldn’t you go to the station to meet your friend?

73) Why shouldn’t you want to help your friend?

74) How should I know the reasons?

75) To think that it should have happened!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1242 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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