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Fractions are read out in full as follows:

Simple fractions are expressed by using ordinal numbers (third/s, fourth/s, fifth/s, etc.):

1 / 2 (a) half They stayed (for) a half hour / half an hour

1 / 4 a quarter They stayed (for) a quater of an hour

1 / 10 a/one tenth a tenth of the population

3 / 4 three quarter s three quater s of an hour

2 / 3 two-third s two third s of the population

1 1 / 2 one and a half one and a half hour s or an hour and a half

3 1 / 5 three and a/one fifth three and a fifth inche s


a) the expression one and a half takes a plural noun (e.g. one and a half kilometer s);

b) expressions like ¾ hour, 7 / 10 mile are said ‘ three quarters of an hour, seven tenths of a mile’.

More complex fractions are often expressed by using the word over: 317 / 509three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine.

Decimals are read out in full, with each figure separate.

NOTE: they use a full stop (called ‘ point ’), not a comma, before the fraction:

2.5two point five

3.14three point one four (three point fourteen)

0.78 – point seventy-eight (point seven eight) or nought point seventy-eight (US: zero point seventy-eight)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 837 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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