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A job interview

I think the interview went well. He wanted to know whether a...whether...

number of things about me and what I had been doing...\/ ………

1) in the last few years. First he asked me if I have had had ………….

2) a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it ………….

3) had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know ………….

4) whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat ………….

5) over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born ………….

6) although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ………….

7) how long I had lived in Manchester and I told him. His ………….

8) next question was the whether I was married and whether I had ………

9) a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that ………….

10) I had one daughter. He me asked how long did I had worked as an.…..

11) editor and how much I was had been paid in my

present job. He asked ………….

12) what was I liked most about my job and who had told me ………….

13) about their company. The main questions he asked me

were about the....……….

14) qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have………….

15) I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ………….

6. You were looking for a job and went for an interview to some company last Friday. In conversation with a friend you talk about the interview and report the various questions that you were asked. The questions were the following:

1) What is your full name?

2) How old are you?

3) Where were you born?

4) What kind of education do you have?

5) Did you have any professional experience?

6) What is the reason for your applying for this post?

7) Why have you quitted your previous job?

8) Are you married or single?

9) Do you have any children?

10) Do you have any hobbies or leisure interests?

11) What kind of person are you?

12) Where do you live?

13) Do you have any references?

14) What languages do you speak, read or write?

15) Have you ever been abroad?

16) Have you ever been in charge of people?

17) What are your good points?

18) What do you not like doing and why?

19) Why do you like this job?

20) Have you attended any training courses?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1702 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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