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Put the following into Reported Speech

1) “What happened to their friendship?” said one of the men.

2) “Which of his children inherited the property?” asked Ann.

3) “Who is going to negotiate?” asked the manager.

4) “Where is the nearest pub here?” asked a stranger.

5) “What shall I do with my heavy luggage?” she said to him.

6) “How much does a day return to Plymouth cost?” Mrs Smith asked.

7) “Would you like me to go there with you?” she asked.

8) “Have you done this sort of work before?” asked the personnel manager.

9) “Did they understand what you were trying to tell them?” he asked me.

10) “Will you go on strike when the others do?” the shopkeeper asked him.

11) “Who left the banana skin at the doorway?” said my mother.

12) “What else did you see?” the policeman asked the witness.

13) “Are you sorry for your betrayal?” Alex asked me.

14) “Have you spent all the money on betting?” he asked me.

15) “Are you in San Francisco for business or pleasure?” he asked her.

16) “What’s the matter with your hand?” he inquired.

17) “Did you ask to see his membership card?” the manager asked.

18) “ Do you want me to hold the keys just in case?” he asked.

19) “How much cash do you have?” asked the banker.

20) “Why do you think it may be dangerous?” he asked her.

5. Read the following text carefully. Some of the lines are correct but in the others there is a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, tick (\/) it. If there is an incorrect word in the sentence, write it at the end in the space provided. The first two are given as examples.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 959 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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