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Unit 4 Reported questions

1. In Reported questions affirmative word order is used andthe question mark is omitted.

2. To report a question one can use:

a) ask + wh-word (who, what, etc.) when the direct question begins with such a word,

b) ask + if / whether when the direct question begins with an auxiliary verb (do, has, can, etc).

3. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, tenses, time expressions etc. change as in statements.

Direct Speech: Reported Speech:
  He said, “Where did he stay?” Heasked where he had stayed.  
  He said, “Did you have a nice time?” He asked if/whether I had had a nice time.  

NOTE: Tense changes: Present becomes Past and Past becomes Past Perfect”:

Are you ready?”– He asked (me) if/whether I was ready

But if you are reporting a question that has just been asked, you can say:

Are you ready?”-“What did John ask you?”– He asked (me) if/whether I’m ready.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 886 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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