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Match the English and Russian terms

1. водоотводный лоток a) Repair(s), upkeep
2. временные сооружения b) Rigidity
3. выносливость c) Permanent structures
4. дождевые потоки d) Stability
5. жесткость e) Drainage gutter
6. земляное полотно f) Reliability, safety
7. капитальные сооружения g) Service life
8. ледоход h) Maintainability, serviceability
9. надежность i) Mudflow chute
10. паводок j) Conditions
11. пойма реки k) Subgrade
12. пропуск транспорта l) Endurance
13. прочность m) Ice drift
14. ремонт n) Storm water
15. селеспуск o) Durability, strength
16. срок службы p) High water, flood
17. удобство q) Free traffic flow
18. условия r) Floodplain, overflow land
19. устойчивость s) Short-term structures

Answer the following questions

1. What structures do we call railway and motorway engineering structures?

2. What are the principal obstacles that might obstruct road construction?

3. What structures can we define as bridgeworks?

4. What structures can we define as tunnel works?

5. Why are viaducts, flyovers and trestles often confused?

6. What common features can we observe in retaining walls and galleries?

7. Why are the R&M ES so expensive?

8. Can a passenger travelling by train tell the difference between a tunnel and a gallery?

Render the text according to your plan and give the names of most famous railway and motorway engineering structures in Russia and abroad

Unit 2

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 392 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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