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Concept of Marketing

What does the term of “marketing” mean? Many people think of marketing as selling and promotion. In fact selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg. It is but one of several marketing functions – and often not the most important one. If the marketer does a good job of identifying consumer needs, developing good products, and pricing, distributing, and promoting them effectively, these goods will sell easily.

Most businesses now are dominated by an orientation toward marketing, not toward production. Marketing has become a key factor in business success. Today’s companies face increasingly stiff competition, and the rewards will go to those who can best identify customer needs and deliver the greatest value to their target customer. Marketing activities are an expensive undertaking, and their costs are built into the prices of products. It is estimated that at least half of the cost consumer pays for a product is accounted for by marketing expenditures.

Since no organization can satisfy all consumer needs, it must concentrate its efforts on certain needs of a specific group of potential customers. This is the target market. One of the advantages of target marketing is the possibility of becoming the leader in a specific market segment. Market segmentation involves aggregating prospective buyers into groups that 1) have common needs and 2) will respond similarly to a marketing action.

Modern marketing is most simply defined as the process of directing the flow of goods from producers to customers. It encompasses a broad range of activities including product planning, new-product development, organizing the channels by which the product reaches the customer, the actual distribution of products, wholesaling, price setting, advertising and promotion, public relations, retailing, product warranties, financing, and more.

Market research estimates the demand for specific products and services, describes the characteristics of probable customers, and measures potential sales. Marketing research studies people as buyers and sellers, examining their habits, attitudes, preferences, dislikes, and purchasing power and almost every aspect of the seller-buyer relationship. It also investigates distribution systems, pricing, promotion, product design, packaging, brand names, etc.

A marketing strategy is a means by which a marketing goal is to be achieved, characterized by 1) a specific target market and 2) a marketing program to reach it. A marketing program is a plan that integrates the marketing mix to provide a good, or service to prospective customers. The elements of the marketing mix, usually called the 4 Ps, are as follows:

Product: a good, a service, or an idea to satisfy the consumer’s needs;

Price: what is exchanged for the product;

Promotion: a means of communication between the seller and buyer;

Place: a means of getting the product into the consumer’s hands.

To implement a marketing program successfully, hundreds of detailed decisions are often required, such as writing an advertising copy or selecting the amount for temporary price reductions. These decisions, called marketing tactics, are detailed day-to-day operational decisions that must be taken right away.

Within the field of economics, two types of marketing are defined: micromarketing and macromarketing. The former describes the activities of individual firms, beginning with originating and producing products and ending when the products reach the final user, the customer. Macromarketing, by contrast, describes how the whole system of production and distribution works in a society. Marketing is not confined to profit-making companies that manufacture products. Doctors, lawyers, hospitals, colleges, museums, and other service enterprises also engage in marketing.

Vocabulary Focus

Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps using the words given below. Some words are to be used twice:

1. Marketing is concerned with getting the right … to the right … at the right …

2. Marketing is about meeting customer … at a ….

3. Marketing makes it easier for … to do business with you.

Words for reference: customers; needs; place; price; product; profit.

Ex. 2.

A. Study the meaning of the following words:

1. appraise (v) – fix a price for sth, say what sth is worth;

2. appreciate (v) – judge rightly the value of sth; put a high value of sth;

3. calculate (v) – find out by working with numbers;

4. estimate (v) – form a judgement about, calculate;

5. evaluate (v) – find out, decide, the amount or value of sth.

B. Choose the right word in italics:

1. Astronomers can calculate / estimate when there will be eclipses of the sun and moon.

2. I really appreciate/estimate your efforts.

3. He was evaluated / appraised as unfit for military service.

4. The clerk appraises / calculates property for taxation.

5. I estimate / evaluate his income at $300.

6. You can’t appreciate / evaluate English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.

Ex. 3. Match the following collocations in column A with their English equivalents in column B:

1) маркетинг потребительских товаров 2) маркетинг средств производства 3) маркетинг услуг 4) массовый маркетинг 5) пробный маркетинг 6) целевой маркетинг c) mass marketing d) target marketing e) consumer-goods marketing f) means-of-production marketing g) test marketing h) service marketing

Ex. 4. Express in one word:

– someone whose job is to persuade customers to buy a certain product or service;

– the breakdown of a market into separate and identifiable elements;

– the ultimate user of a product;

– a means of communication between the seller and buyer;

– the art of making people do what you want them to do.

Words for reference: consumer, salesperson, segmentation, promotion, persuasion.

Ex. 5. Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:

1) identify a) commodity
2) item b) producer
3) product c) buyer/client
4) manufacturer d) estimate
5) customer e) article

Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps using the words given below. Some words are to be used twice:

1. Marketing has become a … factor in business success.

2. One of the advantages of … marketing is the possibility of becoming the leader in a specific market ….

3. Modern marketing is most simply defined as the process of … the flow of … from … to ….

4. Today’s companies … increasingly stiff …, and the rewards will go to those who can best … customer.

Words for reference: segment, customer, competition, key, identify, producer, face, directing, goods, needs, target.


Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

1. A market is the place where the seller meets buyer to exchange … … ….

2. Market research estimates ……, describes ………., and measures …….

3. Marketing encompasses a broad range of activities including………

4. One of the advantages of target marketing is the possibility of ….

Ex. 2. Find information in the text to answer the following questions.

1. What factors are required for marketing to occur?

2. What kind of decisions is required to implement a marketing strategy?

3. What is the “marketing mix”?

4. Why are firms becoming more custom-oriented?

5. What does a firm usually carry out before it introduces a product onto the market?

6. What kind of relationship does a marketing research study?

7. What is the difference between macro- and micromarketing?

Text 2

As you read the text underline the main ideas and supporting information and explain how to build and achieve a strong brand.

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