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Bookkeeping is writing down all the transactions arising from business activities which can be expressed in money. To run your business well you must know what money you have received, how much money you have spent and, most important of all, how you spent it. A bookkeeping system can provide you with that information. The books used for keeping records consist of a ledger and subsidiary books.

The ledger is the general book in which you enter almost all the figures arising from your business activities. A ledger consists of a number of accounts. A chart of accounts serves as an index to the ledger, and each account is numbered to facilitate the frequent references that are made to it. An account is a column in the ledger that has been given a specific name, e.g. Cash, Bank, Sales and etc.

The invoice book helps you to remember who owes the business money for goods and services you have sold but have not been paid for. When you have delivered a commodity or provided a service you send an invoice to the customer. You keep a copy of the invoice in the invoice book.

The purchase journal is used to write down details of goods and services bought on credit which are not yet paid for. The invoice you receive from the supplier is kept in the purchase journal until it is fully paid.

The wages book. In this book you make notes about your employee names, wages, advance payments and so on.

B. Translate the abstract from Russian into English.

1. В бухгалтерском учете заинтересованы собственники, руководство предприятия, налоговая служба. 2. Бухгалтерский учет обеспечивает информацию о платежах за определенный период. 3. Каждый предприниматель обязан вести книги и заносить в них торговые операции. 4. Каждая компания стремиться оставаться платежеспособной. 5. Бухгалтерский учет является основой для принятия деловых решений. 6. Одной из функций бухучета является выявление размера прибыли. 7. Инвесторы, которые вкладывают деньги в бизнес, заинтересованы в получении надежной информации.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 717 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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