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LISTENING. You will hear Sarah Brandston, an accountant in New York, talking about bookkeeping and tax accounting

You will hear Sarah Brandston, an accountant in New York, talking about bookkeeping and tax accounting. Read the following questions, and then listen to the interview.

1. In which fields do most of Sarah Brandston's clients work?

2. Why do they need an accountant?

3. What does Sarah Brandston describe as 'the basic rule for accounting'?

4. An individual can do business as a self-proprietorship. Sarah Brandston mentions two other types of business. What are they?

5. Sarah Brandston says 'bookkeeping is really a common sense way of keeping track of the income and expenses. What does she mean by common sense in relation to recording expenses?



You are the Executive Manager. Discuss with your accountant the current state of your company. You may use the following dialogue as a model.

Rick has good news for his partner, Dan.

Rick: I just looked at the books today and we’re finally in the black! We should be making money continuously in no time. And you thought this company was going to bankrupt!
Dan: Well, you have to admit we’ve been spending a lot of money for the past eight months. Even our new computer system cost a fortune. I don’t mean to sound like a penny pincher (скряга) but frankly, I still think we were wasting our money. You can bet your bottom dollar (all your money) that computer salesman is getting some kickback (reward) for that sale, too.
Rick: I don’t know why you’re always so worried we’re going to ruin our business financially. Look, the bottom line is that the company’s finally turning a profit even though it had a few lean years. I think we should go celebrate over lunch and since I know you’re short on cash, I’ll even pick up the check (pay for your meal).
Dan: Well, if you’re going to do it I’m, accepting! Besides, I’m flat broke (completely without money)today.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1339 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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