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Interview with Willhite

Interviewer: Mr Willhite, what's your position in Can-Am?
Willhite: I'm International Vice President
Interviewer: You're responsible for export sales.
Willhite: That's right.
Interviewer: What type of company is Car Am?
Willhite: We're a multinational corporate. We manufacture and market sporting goods.
Interviewer: Where are your Headquarters
Willhite: In Toronto.
Interviewer: You say you manufacture sporting goods...
Willhite: Yes...
Interviewer: What are your main product lines?
Willhite: Well, we specialize in baseball and football equipment that's American football, of course.
Interviewer: You're competing against US Corporations like Donzis and Wilson. What's Can-Am's position in the market''
Willhite: We're seventh. There are six big American companies, and then us.
Interviewer: How important are your export markets to you?
Willhite: They're very important. Canada is a big country but a small market. 75% of our annual revenue comes from export sales.
Interviewer: 75% - that's very high.
Willhite: Yes, well we sell a lot in the States.
Interviewer: And what about Europe?
Willhite: The European market is very important to us. Interest is growing fast over there.
Interviewer: Especially in Britain.
Willhite: Yes, but also in France and Germany... Finland. Europe is a growth market. Interviewer You have a European distributor, don't you?
Willhite: That's right - Touchline Trading.
Interviewer: And are you satisfied with your sales in Europe?
Willhite: They could be better - our sales in Britain are good.
Interviewer: We understand that your sales in the rest of Europe are not so good.
Willhite: Yes, we have a problem there. But we intend to change that.

Task: Conduct an interview with David Clare, the president of Johnson&Johnson about the company’s sales in Europe.


Summarize the information of the Unit to be ready to speak on Company Organization. Use the following prompts as a plan.

– common types of business firm;

– advantages and disadvantages of each type of business firm;

– the role of the Board of Directors and Senior Executives;

– the most common departments in big companies; their responsibilities and subordination inside the company.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 618 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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