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LISTENING. You’ll hear a radio discussion in which a business consultant, Robert, and an industrial correspondent

You’ll hear a radio discussion in which a business consultant, Robert, and an industrial correspondent, Jane, are asked by the radio programme host what they think about the company.

A. Listen to the recording for the first time and tick which of the following general topics are mentioned:

– bureaucracy at work;

– staff promotion systems;

– management elections by the workers;

– the design of Semco’s factory buildings;

– the success of large corporations.

B. Listen carefully for a second time and mark whether the statements below are true or false.

1. The industrial assembly line system has a further 100 years’ life in it.

2. Democratic values of public life are limited in some countries.

3. Managers are evaluated by their employees.

4. Managers from outside the company are always welcome.

5. Employees have developed a sense of responsibility.

6. The associates just walk around the factory doing what they like.

7. Many companies have not survived the high inflationary period.

8. IBM has not been following Semco’s example.

9. Hundreds of companies have been eager to try out new ideas.

10. Corporate executives are eager to try.



a) Read the interview with Thomas Whillhite Can-Am’s International Vice President.

b) Act out the conversation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 754 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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