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Topics for Round Table Discussions

1. Traditional Breeding vs. Modern Technologies.

2. Genetic Technologies: Proponents’ Views.

3. Food Labelling: Pros and Cons.

Surf on the Web to find information of genetically modified food. Make up a report on the recent developments in the sphere.

Vocabulary Index

All words and expressions are given strictly alphabetically with the number(s) of the module(s) where they are actively introduced.


abolition n M5

abrogate v M6

accrue v M6

addiction n M7

adherent n M6

adolescent adj M7

adversary n M6

afflict v M8

affluent adj M5

anthrax n M6

applicable adj M8

applicable adj M8

assassination n M6

assess v M8

atrocity n M5

atrophy v M7

attain a goalM6

attainment n M5

auspices n pl M5

average adj M5

avert v M5

Axis of evil M6


ban n M5

be addicted to sthM7

Be aware of sth M7

Be hooked on sth M7

be knotted upM7

Be lulled into sth M7

benefit n M7

besiege v M5

binge v M7

Biological agents M6

bipolarity n M6

Blood vessel M7

Box-office receipts M5

break into v M5

breed n M8

brethren n pl M5

burden n M5


calamity n M5

carbohydrates n. M7

cardiovascular adj M7

catch up v M5

Cause mass casualties M6

cell n M7

charity n M5

cholesterol n M7

circumvent v M8

Code of conduct M5

coercion n M6

coloring n M7

Combat terrorism M6

combatant n M6

Communication breakdown M7

compatible adj M5

complement v M8

comply v M8

concession n M6

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 409 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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