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Paraphrase the following, using the key vocabulary of the module (FOCUS 4). 1. A GE food may not only be similar in general but almost completely identical with its natural analogue product and yet contain an unexpected and

1. A GE food may not only be similar in general but almost completely identical with its natural analogue product and yet contain an unexpected and undiscovered harmful matter.

2. This shallow testing procedure reveals no significant difference between the GE food and its natural counterpart.

3. The law comes into effect as from 1 January next year.

4. The Directive also contains clauses concerning …

5. The Directive provides for a general definition of GE foods.

6. As these foods have been declared unsafe we should take them away from the market.

7. It is obligatory to follow the traffic rules.

8. The ability to introduce a new gene into a host DNA encouraged development of GE.

9. All products must correspond to the definition of a safe product.

10. There is lack of accurate reliable information on how the chemicals released affect humans.

11. There are lots of mushrooms which are not safe to eat.

12. After about twenty minutes, someone managed to switch off the alarm.

13. It takes much time to introduce a new technology into practice.

14. After a number of failures she stopped going out and communicating with anyone.

15. Neither side disclosed what was discussed in the meeting.

16. US FDA played a key role in adopting this method in spite of warnings by their own experts, who however were not listened to.

17. He was anger-stricken when he learnt all the truth.

18. We insist that the replacement should be identical with the original.

19. GE foods should be certified.

20. The method of “substantial equivalence” is full of drawbacks.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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