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Paraphrase the following, using the key vocabulary of the module (FOCUS 3). 1. This model is vastly better than the same model of 2005

1. This model is vastly better than the same model of 2005.

2. Many scientists argue that very careful safety assessment tests are needed to anticipate the side-effects of GE food.

3. When a new gene is introduced into the “string of pearls” it lead to unpredictable breaks and appearance of unforeseen matters.

4. As GE is a new and crude technology there is a wide difference of opinions on this issue.

5. Everybody agreed that it was a piece of very careful research.

6. If you work or study hard for a long time without any relaxation it can result in an emotional breakdown.

7. The Health Department warns that because of a flu epidemic lots of people can get infected by the disease.

8. These goods are in great demand.

9. Even if the cloning works, there is no guarantee that the meat will be as delicious as the original.

10. Before signing any document you should go through it very thoroughly.

11. It’s of great importance! I need to talk to you!

12. Any injection of new genes can affect the precise sequence of genetic codes of the host organism and disrupt the functioning of the neighboring genes.

13. Extensive experience from toxicology shows that even the most careful safety assessment methods may fail to detect unexpected harmful molecules.

14. The supporters of this theory are very few.

15. The very best beef has special characteristics that make it particularly attractive to cloners.

16. Nobody knows how such alien genetic information will affect the functioning of the host organism.

17. Such important bodies of scientists as the US National Academy of Science and the Canadian analogue organization, the Royal Society and the UK Medical Research Council expressed rejections and criticism of the method of “substantial equivalence”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 358 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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