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Answer the questions

1. What nursery and elementary education did Kevin get?

2. Who taught Kevin in the Elementary school?

3. What subjects did Kevin take in Junior school?

4. What universities did Kevin apply?

5. Where does Kevin study now?


Hey, I am Miranda Tailor. I live in New York. Until I turned five my nanny educated me a little bit.

My parents though it would be great for me to study in a private school so they sent me to the St. Anna Private School in New Jersey. That’s a school for both girls and boys. The school is run by a Catholic Church.

So I studied in this school until I got seventeen. I went home on weekends and holidays, but when I grew older I preferred to spend my holidays at school with my friends. In school I shared a room with a girl named Lora and we became bet friends.

It was very hard for me to decide what college or university to enter. I was good in many subjects – in Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages, and Literature and so on. So I entered the Columbia University College and I study on the first course now – I don’t major in any subject for now. During the first year I get the general education and on the next year I will have to decide what specialty I want to study.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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