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Answer the questions. 1. Why did John go to school at the age of four?

1. Why did John go to school at the age of four?

2. What did John do in the nursery school?

3. What did John study in the primary school?

4. How did John pass an Eleven plus exam and what school did he go?

5. Did John continue his education after the school?


Hi, my name is Regina MacDougal; now I am a student of one of the best universities in Britain – Cambridge.

Even before I was born my parent decided that I would get the same education that my mom had got.

When I turned five I went to the private school for girls that is called St. Augusta Private School.

There are a lot of private schools in my country.

These schools are very expensive and they are attended by about 5 percent of the school population. I studied in my school until I turned eighteen. I loved to study in my school. There were a lot of subjects there – music, foreign languages, theater class, and gymnastics. The saddest part was that I had to be apart from my family – I went home only during holidays. But I had made a lot of friends in school and they replaced me a family.

Now I am in the university and I am very happy, plus I have a lot of friends from my private school here.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 577 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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