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II. Read and translate the texts about students from England, translate them and answer the questions


Hi, my name is Kevin Steward. I am from Annandale, a small town in Minnesota.

When I was three and a half I began to go to the nursery Annandale school and I really enjoyed it – we played games outdoors and when the weather was bad we went inside where the teacher read us fairy-tales.

When everyone in my class turned six we went to the Annandale Elementary School – there we got our class teacher who taught us ABCs first and then other subjects.

When I turned twelve I finished my elementary school and we had a real graduation ceremony. Then I went into Annandale Junior School. There I studied a lot of subjects and took special courses in art because I liked it. When I studied in High School I had to have general program material plus my personal studies in art studio.

Then my art teacher advised me to enter Art College. I fulfilled a lot of applications and fourteen universities gave me an answer “yes”, but the universities were very far from my native town – they were in San Diego, New York, Miami, and Richmond.

But I decided to stay in my Minnesota and applied to Minnesota State University and I entered the Art College there.

It takes me about an hour and half to get there from home and I am pleased because I can go home on weekends.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 358 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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