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Ex.14. Open the brackets and use the correct tense form. Put the sentences into the appropriate column. Explain why

Future Simple be going to Present Continuous
(I think/hope) Paul and Mary will get married. Paul and Mary are going to get married in spring.   (They have decided. They haven’t agreed on a date.) Paul and Mary are getting marriedat 3 tomorrow afternoon. (Everything has been arranged, and we know exactly when it is taking place.)

1. We ________ probably ________ (buy) a new car. We ________ (buy) a new car. We ________ (buy) a new car next week.

2. Have you decided what to do with the money you inherited? –

Richard: Not yet. Perhaps, I ________ (buy) a luxury car.

Don: Yes, I’ve decided not to spend this money. I ________ (invest) it instead.

3. I hear Arnold ________ (make) a speech at our conference today. Yes, it’s on the agenda.

4. Who do you think ________ (win) the next election? – It’s too early to predict. I can only say that the Green Party ________ (not to win), definitely.

5. What a lovely new bike! Is it yours? And what ________ you ________ (do) with your old bike?

6. Don’t let him play in the sun for too long: his delicate skin ________ (burn) very easily.

7. Look at that tree! It ________ (fall) down!

8. Have you finished your work? – Not yet, but I’m sure I ________ (finish) it on time.

9. My sister ________ (become) a ballet dancer when she grows up.

10. Peter doesn’t know how to light a fire. Look! He ________ (burn) himself.

11. We ________ (move) into our new flat next Saturday. My parents have arranged everything.

12. What are you doing this evening? – Nothing special. I ________ probably ________ (watch) TV.

13. ________ we meet tomorrow evening? – Sorry, Martin, I can’t. We ________ (celebrate) my granny’s birthday.

14. What about Wednesday? – I __________ (go) to the fitness centre on Wednesday.

15. Can we meet at the weekend then? - I ________ (spend) this weekend with my parents. Actually, I have no free time.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 920 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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