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Ex.24. Identify the tenses, then match the sentences on the left with their functions on the right

1. How long will you have been studying English by the end of this term? 2. Don’t put too much in that bag or it will burst. 3. Look! The lorry is on fire, it’s going to explode. 4. Will you be going out during the break? – Yes, why? - Could you get me a bottle of mineral water, please? 5. The milk doesn’t smell fresh. I’ll pourit out. 6. We’re flying toCyprus next Friday. The plane takes off at 9 a.m. 7. This time next Wednesday, we’ll be having an English lesson. 8. By the time we get home, the football match will have begun. 9. Shall I give you a lift to the airport on Friday? 10. Have you decided how to promote your products? – Yes, we’re going toadvertise them on the Internet. 11. What are you thinking about? – My holiday. This time next week I’ll be relaxing in Miami. 12.Springwill set inearly this year. 13. Don’t bother. I’ll tell Ann about it. I’ll be seeing her at work anyway. 14.I won’t have completedall these forms until he comes. Will you help me with it? 15. In time, people will find an efficient way to dispose of toxic waste and even fight nuclear radiation. 16. I haven’t decided yet. Perhaps, I’ll buythis smart phone. 17. Now that I’ve got the money, I’m going to buy it. a. a prediction about what you think, expect, believe, doubt, suppose, etc., may or may not happen in the future, often with the words certainly, perhaps, probably b. an action or situation which will definitely happen in the future and we cannot control or change it c. a spontaneous on-the-spot decision d. promises, warnings, threats, etc. e. a form of request f. an offer or suggestion, asking for instructions   g. an action which will be in progress at a stated future time h. a planned action or an action which will definitely occur in the near or distant future as a result of a routine (almost the same as the Present Continuous) i. asking politely about someone’s arrangements in order to see if our wishes fit in with their plans   j. prediction based on what you see or feel and there is evidence that something will definitely happen in the near future k. plans, firm intentions to do something in the future or ambitions   l. fixed arrangements in the near future (we often know when and where)   m. timetable/programme   n. actions which will be finished before a stated future time o. emphasis on the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future  

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