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Ex.4. Read and write the opposite (positive or negative). Make other changes if necessary. The first sentence has been done for you as an example

1. I’m sure he will drive us to the airport. – I’m afraid he won’t drive us to the airport.

2. I hope we will arrive on time. – ____________________________________.

3. She says we won’t have a test tomorrow. – ___________________________.

4. We’ll stop at the next filling station. – _______________________________.

5. He won’t pay the bill. – ___________________________________________.

6. People will forget about him in a few years. – _________________________.

7. This week we won’t need more money than usual. – ____________________.

8. I think Frederick will go to Africa next year. – _________________________.

9. I don’t think they will support us. – _________________________________.

10. Scientists predict that climate won’t seriously change in the third millennium. – ______________________________________________________________.

Ex.5. Put will or won’t in the best place in the sentence.

1. I hope there be no problems getting a visa.

2. It isn’t a holiday season, and there be many tourists there.

3. I’m sure it be difficult to find accommodation at this time of the year.

4. Do you think we be able to buy tickets there?

5. Ruth be here for your engagement party?

6. I’m afraid we get there in time.

7. Could you possibly change my flight to the evening? – Wait a minute. I just check the computer.

8. I’m sorry, but there be any time for us to have lunch.

9. Our ice-creams are melting. I put them in the freezer.

10. Tomorrow be a very busy day for me. I don’t think I have time to go shopping with you.

11. You hold this box for a moment while I am unpacking it?

12. Someone kindly tell me what is going on around here?

13. Is there anything good on TV tonight? – I don’t know. I have a look in the newspaper.

14. Your fax is absolutely illegible. I can’t read the document. – Sorry about that. I send it again.

15. Just tell me what it cost in round numbers.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 736 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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