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E. Look at the words in Column A and their meanings. These words can define numbers more exactly. Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B

by 50 % 150 200% около 50% ровно 50% на 50% вырос до 50% примерно 50% более 50% почти 50% менее 50%
almost 50% 48%
nearly/about/around 50% 48-52%
approximately/roughly 50% 45-55%
more than/over/above 50 % 57%
less than/ under 50 % 43%
exactly 50 % 50%
up to 50 % 30 50%

F. Look at the graph below and complete the sentences with to, at, of, by.

1) At the beginning of 2002 sales stood … 300 units.

2) Over the next 12 months sales dropped … 200 units.

3) Sales levelled off … 200 units for 12 months.

4) Sales rose … 200 units during 2004.

5) At the beginning of 2005 they reached a peak … 400 units.

6) During 2005 they decreased … 300 units.

7) Then there was a rise … 50 units in 2006.

8) During 2007 sales levelled off … 350 units.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 344 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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