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History of Russia

C. Use the dictionary to find the meaning of the following words:

to found/to establish, to destroy, to rule, efforts, to invade, to divide into.

D. Can you say what these dates mean in the history of Russia? Use the dates to complete the sentences below.

1552 1762 to 1796 30 December 1922 27 May, 1703 on 22 June 1941 on 7th November, 1917 in December 1991

1) Tradition says in … the Viking Rurik came to Russia and founded the first Russian dynasty in Novgorod.

2) Vladimir “the Saint” became Christian in...

3) In …, Kiev was destroyed by the Mongols.

4) After the final battle of Russo-Kazan Wars in... Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) transformed Russia and Tatar khanates into a multiconfessional state.

5) Tsar Peter I of Russia founded Saint Petersburg on …as the capital of the Russian Empire.

6) Catherine II (Catherine the Great), who ruled from …, continued the efforts to establish Russia as one of the Great Powers of Europe.

7) Napoleon’s efforts to invade Russia failed in ….

8) On 7th November …Vladimir Lenin headed the Bolshevik Revolution.

9) After victory in the Civil War, the Russian SFSR together with three other Soviet republics formed the Soviet Union on ….

10) On …, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union that was the beginning of the Second World War.

11) The USSR was divided into fifteen independent republics….


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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