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Assignment 1

Make a written synopsis (in English or Russian) of the interview to present in class for other students to interpret.

Assignment 2

Review the above interview and make up sentences of your own using the highlighted contextual equivalents, to be interpreted by other students.

Assignment 3

Refer to specialized Russian-English/English-Russian dictionaries and write out all the meanings of the following terms. Make sure you fully comprehend their meanings and usage. Make up, or find, suitable sentence-length examples to illustrate the usage of each suggested meaning:

commercial sector; quotation growth; initial listings; excess liquidity; real assets; minority shareholder(s); recession; cash in; listed companies.

Present your examples in class for other students to interpret.

Role-play. Get ready for a conference on IPO and the Securities Industry in Russia and other countries with a 10 min. presentation in Russian. Your fellow-students will ask you questions in English. The conference shall be consecutively interpreted by other students in class.



This section contains two units, including an interview, exercises, modules, texts, role-play settings, and a detailed Russian-English and English-Russian Glossary concerning taxation in Russia and other countries.

Unit 8

Read the interview containing general information about taxation. Study the vocabulary notes, pay attention to the highlighted words and expressions. Prepare an oral presentation in Russian comprising essential information about taxes. The presentation is to be consecutively interpreted into English by other students.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 434 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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