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Случаи несоблюдения правил согласования времен

1. Если в придаточном дополнительном предложении выражается общеизвестная истина или факт, остающийся верным и в момент речи, то в этом случае глагол в придаточном предложении может быть употреблен в Present Simple.

Already in ancient times, some philosophers believed that matter consists of atoms.

Sally said that she works in a legal firm.

He told me he is a good football player.

2. Если косвенная речь передает то, что было только что произнесено, то правила согласования времен не соблюдаются.

Mary said that she is too busy to come.

Jane said she will make us a cup of coffee.

3. Если в прямой речи указывается точное время совершения действия, а именно: может быть названа определенная дата или конкретный момент времени, который может быть выражен придаточным предложением времени, то замены Past Simple на Past Perfect не происходит.

He said he graduated from University in 1998.

She said that it happened when she was out.

4. Если глагол в придаточном предложении времени стоит в Past Simple или в Past Continuous, то при переводе в косвенную речь форма глагола не изменяется.

She insisted that there was nobody in the back seat of the car when she saw it.

Judy said that the car broke down when they were crossing the bridge.

5. Модальные глаголы must, could, might, should и need переносятся в косвенную речь без изменения.

She said that I must come and see their new flat.

He said that I should consult a doctor.

Exercise 8. Read the dialogue and then complete the letter.

The Wilmotts won a lot of money on the football pools.

Barbara Congratulations on your big win, Mr. Wilmott

Frank W. Thank you. It really was a big surprise.

Barbara How has the money changed your lives?

Frank W. Oh, completely, I’d say.

Mary W. Yes, it really has. We’ve bought so many new things. A new car, for example. A pink Chevrolet.

Frank W. And we’ve employed a chauffeur to drive it for us. I’ve given up my job – I was a taxi driver for thirty years, so I’ve had enough of driving.

Barbara And what else are you going to do with the money?

Frank W. Well, we love the sea and the sun, but we don’t see much sun in England. And when it is hot, we don’t see much of the sea, either. Crowded beaches! We hate them! I’m going to buy a little island in the Pacific.

Mary W. Yes, just imagine it! But we shall pay all our unpaid bills first.

Dear Margaret,

How do you like your new job with the Daily Post? I had a very interesting interview

last week with the Wilmotts – they won almost 5,000,000 on the football pools!

Mr. Wilmott said that the money …………… their lives completely. I don’t know how

long their money will last! His wife said they …………… a new car – a pink Chevrolet.

And what’s more, that they …………… a chauffeur to drive it for them. Mr. Wilmott

said that he …………… a taxi driver for 30 years and that he …………… his job.

Mr. Wilmott said they …………… the sea and the sun but that they …………… much

of either in the summer. He said they …………… crowded beaches on hot days, so he

…………… to buy a little island in the Pacific! Mrs. Wilmott was a bit more realistic,

she said they ……………all the unpaid bills first!

Working as a reporter is fun. You meet all kinds of people!

Write soon and tell me your news.

With love,


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