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Write an essay about your entrance examinations and your studying at the Institute .Use the following key words and phrases

to study 1) учиться в высшем учебном заведении (to be a student)

He is studying at London University.

2) изучать

“Which subjects are you studying (doing) at college?”

“I’m studying (doing) history and economics.

to go to school (to be at school) учиться в школе

to be getting on (doing) well at хорошо учиться, делать успехи, успевать

school/college/university How’s she getting on (doing) at college?

He is getting on very well at university.

She is not doing very well at college.

to be good (better) at быть способным, успевать

I have never been good at languages.

the humanities (the arts, the arts гуманитарные науки


the sciences (science, science естественные науки


to apply to подавать документы, поступать

He applied to Liverpool University and was accepted.

an applicant абитуриент

There were three applicants for every place.

to get in (to) поступить

He got in St. Petersburg State University to the faculty of psychology.

a fresher первокурсник (a first-year student)

tuition fees плата за обучение

Tuition fees at Stanford have now reached 9000 a year.

to hold an examination проводить экзамен

The university holds an entrance examination in July.

to take (to sit, to do) an сдавать экзамен

examination Students will sit a two-hour examination at the end of the year.

to pass/fail an examination сдать/не сдать экзамен

If she passes the entrance exam, she’ll go to university in October.

to resit an examination пересдавать экзамен

to revise for an exam/test готовиться к экзамену/тесту, повторять пройденное I have to revise for my English test tomorrow.

Have you revised the work we did last term?

revision (for an examination) подготовка (к экзамену), повторение пройденного

I can’t go out – I’ve got to do some revision for my exams.

term семестр (the first/second/third) term

What classes are you taking this term?

Most universities and colleges in England have terms of approximately ten weeks.

a lecture (in/on) лекция (lectures in History, a lecture on Dickens)

a seminar (on) семинар (a seminar on marketing)

to give a lecture/seminar читать лекцию, проводить семинар

to go to lectures/seminars посещать лекции, семинары

to miss lectures пропускать лекции

I’m sorry I missed the lecture. I had to go to the dentist.

You’ve missed too many lectures this term.

a project курсовая работа

Students must give in their projects by April 30th.

a supervisor научный руководитель

work placement практика

to undertake work placement проходить практику

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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