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A. Match the following words with their definitions

a commercial (n.) memorable motto or phrase
b billboard a large, square sign used to post advertisements
c complimentary a statement (about a product) released to the news media
d campaign an advertisement on TV, the radio, etc
e readership the attempt to manage how a public sees a product
f slogan the number of people that read a particular newspaper, magazine, etc
g press release a plan of action (to promote a product)
h features a measure of how popular a brand is (how many
i publicity special characteristics, qualities
j brand awareness free

B. These eight verbs are commonly used in advertising. Choose the right one to complete each sentence.

e.g. 1 = appeal

attract promote

boost persuade

spend appeal

launch project

1) The copywriter created a slogan which would … to a wide cross-section of consumers

2) The agency wants to … a campaign targeting the under-16 market.

3) The consumers we want to… are professionals who purchase up-market products.

4) All advertising must … the right product image.

5) Giving away free badges helped to … ice-cream sales to children.

6) The number of TV commercials in a campaign depends on how much the client wants to … and who he wants to reach.

7) The function of advertising is primarily to inform and to …

8) Our plan is to … the new product across a wide range of media.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1035 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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