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F. Answer the questions

1) What is market segmentation?

2) What does the segmentation allow marketers?

3) How do UK marketers classify customers demographically?

4) Will you describe marketers’ classifying customers demographically in the UK?

5) What is a system ACORN?

6) Which factors are important in lifestyle segmentation?

7) Would you explain the notion “psychographics”?

Listening: An interview with a marketing manager

(Market leader, CB, Intermediate Business English by D. Cotton, Unit 4)

Over to you

v Which demographic segment in B opposite do you belong to?

v Think of a product you have bought recently and analyze your purchase in terms of behavioural segmentation.

v Do the VALS questionnaire and get your own VALS profile at the SRI Consulting Business Intelligence site: www.sric-bi.com

Module 3 Advertising

Starting up

Discuss in pairs.

v Did you buy something on the basis of the advert?

v Do you think that advertising using children or animals are acceptable?

v Do you agree with the AIDA model for advertising?

Catch the audience’s Attention Make them Interested Create Desire State the Actionthe audience should take

v Analyze any ads you have seen lately using four stages in promoting a product.

Reading 1: Advertising & Promotion

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 410 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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