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· The death penalty doesn't deter crime. Since the death penalty was reinstatedin 1976, the South has carried out 80% of the nation's executions, yet it has the highest murder rate of any region in the country.
· About 4% of American population is in prison, add that to the 4%-6% unemployment rate and that means about 1 out of 10 US citizens are either in jail or unemployed.
· A study by the US General Accounting Office found racial prejudice in death sentencing. The race of the murder victim was shown to be a determining factor; killers of whites were proportionately more likely to be executed than were killers of blacks.
· Most prison inmates are "kept" in their cells (sometimes at 200% capacity) for 20+ hours a day. Often inmates are confined to their cell 22+ hours a day, they are let out for meals and a very short time to exercise.
· Experts estimate that at least 1/2 of 1% of the current inmate population is innocent. Records of these statistics are not kept. That would be 8000 innocent out of 1.6 million.
· It is estimated that half of all death row inmates are minorities.
· State and Federal prisons held about 1.6 million prisoners at the end of 1996.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1322 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!