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Capital punishment is an intolerable denial of civil liberties. We should seek to prevent executions and to abolish capital punishment by litigation, legislation, commutation or by the weight of a renewed public outcry against this brutal institution.
Unlike all other criminal punishments, the death penalty is uniquely irrevocable. Speaking to the French Chamber of Deputies in 1830, years after the excesses of the French Revolution, which he had witnessed, the Marquis de Lafayette said, “I shall ask fo the abolition of the punishment of death until I have the infallibility of human judgment demonstrated to me. Although some proponents of capital punishment would argue that its merits are worth the occasional execution of innocent people, most would also insist that there is little likelihood of the innocent being executed? Yet large bodies of evidence shows that innocent people are often convicted of crimes, including capital crimes and that some of them have been executed”.
Since 1900 in the USA there have been on the average more than four cases per year in which an entirely innocent person was convicted of murder. Scores of these persons were sentenced to death. In many cases, a reprieve or commutation arrived just hours, or even minutes, before the scheduled execution.
In the mid-seventies of the 20th century authorities in New Mexico were forced to admit they had sentenced to death four white men – motocyclists from Los Angeles – who were innocent. The accused offered a documented alibi at their trial, but the prosecution dismissed it as an elaborate ruse. The jury’s verdict was based mainly on what was later revealed to be perjured testimony (encouraged by the police) from an alleged eyewitness. Thanks to persistent investigation by newspaper reporters and the confession of the real killer, the error was exposed and the defendants were released after eighteen months on death row.
In Georgia in 1975 Earl Charles was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. A surviving victim of the crime erroneously identified Charles as the gunman; her testimony was supported by a jail-house informant who claimed he had heard Charles confess. Incontrovertible alibi evidence, showing that Charles was in Florida at the very time of the crime, eventually established his innocence – but not until he had spent more than three years under death sentence. His release was owing largely to his mother’s unflagging efforts.
In 1989 Texas authorities decided not to retry Randall Dale Adams after the appellate court reversed his conviction for murder. Adams had spent more than three years on death row for the murder of a Dallas police officer. He was convicted on the perjured testimony of a 16-year-old youth who was the real killer. Adam’s plight was vividly presented in the 1988 docudrama, The Thin Blue Line, which convincingly told the true story of the crime and exposed the errors that resulted in his conviction.
The stories above have a reassuring ending. The innocent prisoner is saved from execution and is released. But when prisoners are executed, no legal forum exists in which unanswered questions about their guilt can be resolved. In May 1992, R.K.Coleman was executed in Virginia despite widely publicized doubts surrounding his guilt and evidence that pointed to another person as the murderer - evidence that was never submitted at his trial. At the time of his execution, his case was marked with many of the features found in other cases where the defendant was eventually cleared. Were Coleman still in prison, his friends and attorneys would have a strong incentive to resolve these questions. But with Coleman dead, further inquiry into the facts of the crime for which he was convicted is unlikely.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1827 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!