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Underline the correct verbs to complete the sentences

1. Jeff can/can’t play the guitar, but he wants to learn.

2. You may not/shouldn’t eat chips every day. It’s not good for you.

3. Mum, can/should I borrow some money from you?

4. You mustn’t/don’t have to come if you don’t want to.

5. I can’t go out because I have to/may mend my bike.

6. Look at the sign. You don’t have to/mustn’t park here.

50. Read about Sue’s childhood memories and underline the correct words to complete the text.

Today, I 1) can/could speak over ten languages because when I was young we lived in a lot of different countries. Now, I live in England and I 2) don’t have to/didn’t have to learn any new languages. However, I suppose I just got into the habit of learning them and so I never stopped. Living in different countries was fun, but it was already difficult. Every time we mover to a new country I 3) have to/had to learn a new language and I 4) must/had to adapt to a new way of life. 5)Did I have to/I had to learn any really difficult languages? Yes, Chinese! When I arrived in Beijing, I 6) can’t/couldn’t speak any Chinese, not a single word and it was completely different from any other language I knew. And, of course, the writing is so different. I 7) can/couldn’t read the characters, or write them at first. I really hared being there for a while. But the good thing was that I 8) don’t have to/didn’t have to go to school! I had a teacher at home. I called him “Mr. Must” because he was always telling me what I must do… “To learn Chinese you must practice drawing your characters, you must do two hours of homework everyday”, and so on. Actually, he was a very good teacher. When I left China I 9) can/could speak Chinese fluently and I 10) can/could read and write over a thousand characters.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1733 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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