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Write the business letter in the correct order

  Sanders&Lowe Ltd.
  Your faithfully,
  We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
  Please send us your catalogues and inform us of your export prices.
  Import and Export (London Office), Princes Street, London EC 17 DQ
  We learn from your Trade Mission that Russia is producing for export watches of different types.
  Dear Sirs,
  June 7 th, 2007
  Rossexport, Moscow The Russian Federation

28. Read the text. Which country (or countries) does each of the statements refer to? Which are true “all over the world”?

a. People are working longer hours than in past.

b. Watching TV is the most popular leisure time activity.

c. Most people read a newspaper regularly.

d. The majority of women work full-time.

e. Women do the main share of the housework.

f. People are eating more and more ready meals and takeaways.

g. The majority of young people have a full-time job by the time they are twenty.

h. Young people these days spend more time socializing than doing homework.

i. Pensioners are more physically active than teenagers.

j. Regular Internet users are often keen on sport as well.

k. The majority of people take part in a sport at least once a week.

l. People waste a lot of time at work.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 767 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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