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I could get him to call you back in a few minutes

a. Yes, I'll put you through.

b. I'm afraid you seem to have the wrong number.

c. Hang up and I'll call you back.

d. No, I prefer to hang on, it's very important.

6. There's a lot of noise on the line. Could you speak up?

a. Hang up and I'll call you back.

b. I'm afraid you seem to have the wrong number.

c. Yes, I'll put you through.

d. Well could you get him to call me back as soon as he gets in?

II.Lorna finally tries to get in touch with her husband at work. He works for a company called Butler and Crowmarch. Complete her conversation with the receptionist using the most appropriate expressions.

R: Yes/ Good morning. Butler and Crowmarch.

L: Could I/ I want to speak to Mr. Smith, please?

R: Certainly. Who is speaking/ who are you?

L: Mrs. Smith.

R: Wait/ Hold on, please and I’ll try to put you trough. Hello. He is not there/ I’m afraid he is out at the moment.

L: Oh. Do you know when he’ll/ When will he be back?

R: I am not sure. Would you like/ Do you want me to ask his assistant?

L: Yes, please.

R: Right. Hold on a moment then, please. He’s busy till five/ I’m afraid Mr. Smith is in a meeting until five o’clock.

L: Oh, Okay. Can I/ Let me leave a message.

R: Certainly.

L: Tell him/ Could you tell him to phone me before he leaves the office? I want him to do some shopping.

R: No problem, Mrs. Smith. I’ll pass on the message.

L: Thank you. Goodbye.

III. Fill in the blanks in the dialogues:

1. A: ____

B: This is Mr. Polo from the Trading House. Could you put me through to Mr. Smirnov, please?

A: ______

B: When do you think he will be back?

A: ______

B: No thank you. I’ll phone him again then Goodbye.

2. A: ____

B: Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

A: _______

B: Yes. I’ll hold on.

A: _______

B: Yes, thank you. Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is Mr. Nichols.

3. A: Smith & Co. Can I help you?

B: _______

A: I’m afraid Mr. Smith is not in the office at the moment.

B: _______

A: Not until Monday morning, I’m afraid. Can I give him a message?

B: _______

A: Can I tell him who’s calling?

B: _______

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 467 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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