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I. Complete this questionnaire about telephone habits

1. How many hours do you spend on the phone in a typical working day?

2. Do you make more calls, or receive more calls?

make receive

3. Which do you use most, a mobile or a landline?

mobile landline

4. How do you feel when answering the phone at work?


less comfortable than speaking face-to-face


5. How often do you make a phone call purely for pleasure?

often sometimes rarely never

6. How do you feel if you do not have your mobile phone with you?

relaxed a little uncomfortable very uncomfortable I always have it

Lexical exercises

Active vocabulary

I. What is the most appropriate answer?

1. Could I speak to Ms Johnson, please?

a. Hang up and I'll call you back.

b. Yes, I'll put you through.

c. No, I prefer to hang on, it's very important.

d. Yes, I'd like to speak to the person who deals with paying your suppliers, please.

2. Good afternoon. Can I help you?

a. Yes, I'd like to speak to the person who deals with paying your suppliers, please.

b. I'm afraid you seem to have the wrong number.

c. No, I prefer to hang on, it's very important.

d. Hang up and I'll call you back.

3. Is that Ojay and Simpson?

a. Well could you get him to call me back as soon as he gets in?

b. Yes, I'll put you through.

c. I'm afraid you seem to have the wrong number.

d. No, I prefer to hang on, it's very important.

4. I'm afraid he's out of the office and won't be back for an hour or so.

a. Well could you get him to call me back as soon as he gets in?

b. I'm afraid you seem to have the wrong number.

c. Hang up and I'll call you back.

d. Yes, I'll put you through.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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