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VI. Answer these questions

· How many phone calls do you make/receive in a typical day?

· What do you use your phone for most?

· Who do you call most?

Lexical exercises

Active vocabulary

I. Complete these sentences using the pairs of words below.

how /help calling/ because let/ transfer

call / later speak/ please this/ speaking

name / from mine/ referred sorry/ was

afraid / in put/ down remember/ met

wondering / help time/ reach I’ll/ message

1. ____can I ____ you?

2. I’m____ ____I need some information.

3. ____me_____you to Sales.

4. Would you like to____back____?

5. My____is Chris Robb____York Paper.

6. A colleague of____, Liz Peterson, ____ me to you.

7. I’m____she is not____this week.

8. I could____ you____ for Friday afternoon.

9. ____, your name____?

10. I’d like to____ to Mark Fisher,____.

11. ____is Mark____.

12. You may not____ me – we____ last year.

13. I was____ if you could____ me.

14. ____ give him the____.

15. What’s a good____ to____ you?

II. These are some common and useful telephone questions. Match the endings with the question starters. (more then one combination is sometimes possible.)

1) ____leave a message?

2) ____take a message?

3) ____transfer me to his voice mail?

4) ____have your phone number?

5) ____know what this regarding?

6) ____help you?

7) ____ask what this is regarding.

8) ____speak to Mr.Tipps, please?

9) ____555-7434?

10) ___ask who is calling?

11) ___ repeat that, please?

12) ___ask him to call Mr. Donson?

13) ___a good time?

14) ___ask when he will be back?

15) ___call back later?

16) ___something I could help you with?

a. Would you like to____?

b. May I____?

c. Could you_____?

d. Does she/he____?

e. Is this____?

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