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III. Work with a partner and complete a conversation


A: What would you like as a starter?

B: I’ll try the…, please.

A: And for the main course? What would you like?

B: What do you recommend?

A: You could try the………

B: I am not very keen on…..

A: Well, why don’t you try the…

B: That sounds good. I’ll try the……

A: And what about drinks?

B: I prefer ……... What about you?

A: I’d like…….

B: Would you like something for dessert?

A: Yes, I’d like…….


Read the following situations, and for each one write an email in response.

1. You have just been interviewed on the phone for a magazine about your business travels. They have now emailed to ask for some stories about your experiences of eating out abroad.

2. A foreign client has emailed you, asking for advice on where to eat in your city when he arrives next month. Give him two or three choices, with reasons. For each restaurant explain:

· type of food

· your favourite dish

· cost per person

Lesson 4. Dining etiquette

Warm up

I. Etiquette Quiz

1. Where should a woman place her purse while dining in a sit-down restaurant?

A. Between her back and the chair or on her lap

B. On the floor

C. On the table, to the left and right above the place setting

D. Hung on the back of the chair if a handbag, otherwise on an empty chair

2. You and your partners have a large restaurant bill. You offer to pay and someone else offers to pay the tip. What do you do?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 369 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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