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III. Complete the text using the missing words

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We had a terrible evening. For a start, Peter was coming down with a (1) __ and he felt awful. We had to wait half an hour for our table, which was in the corner, even though I specifically asked for one next to the (2)_____ and then another half-hour just to get the (3)___. The waiter was useless. We had to ask for everything about three times and then he brought the wrong order anyway. I don’t know why he didn’t just write it down in a little (4) ___like they usually do. We’d just got the first course, which was actually quite good, when there was a this huge(5)____from the kitchen and the chef stormed out with a big ladle in his hand and started shouting and swearing at the waiter in front of all the customers. Frankly, I knew how he felt. But for me, the worst thing was just after the first course when we suddenly saw a (6) ___running across the floor, closely followed by the restaurant cat. Well, that was it for me. I couldn’t eat another thing. Peter struggled on until he found a bright green (7) ___ in his tomato salad. Honestly, you should have seen his face! At that precise moment there was a (8) ___and a flash and I looked up to see a photographer. He’d just taken our picture. ‘Something to preserve your (9) ___of this evening?’ he said. I’m not going to tell you what I said!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 473 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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